This guide formats your flash drive as FAT32, to format asNTFS simply substitute the term in the command box.
Step 1. Turn on Your computer as normal
Step 2. When you are in your desktop insert Pendrive into your computer USB port,
Step 3. Go into my computer and look down the navigation panel on the left hand side, this lists down to the popular and root menu folders and locations on your computer.
Step 4. Your Pendrive should be listed in one of these locations, it may be referred to by brand, as portable storage or something similar. Next to this label will be a letter,
>>>>>>>>>>for example “I: removable storage device ” if the device does not show up you may need to test the port to find the letter with another USB device. This letter needs to be written down or remembered in order to complete this process.
Step 5. Go to the windows start menu, click start or the Windows symbol depending on your edition of Windows, then click run.
Step 6. Type cmd into the run dialog box and click OK, this is to start the command prompt window from which you will be able to choose your format style and name your drive.
Step 7. Then the command prompt window is opened and you will need to type ” Format I: ”
*if you want to Format it as FAT32 then type ” Format I: /FS: FAT32 ”
Step 8. The "I" in this instance refers to our example Pendrive location, instead you would enter the letter that you remembered or wrote down from the my computer side panel. After you have typed the above command press enter.
Step 9. Here, you will be asked to press enter again and then to give a name for your drive. Follow these prompts then click on enter again.
>>>>>>>>>>>>Example:- Open the DOS prompt (Start >> Run >>cmd)
FORMAT X: /FS:FAT32 /Q /V:PenDrive
This will reformat the Pen drive, using the FAT32 file system, and label the drive PenDrive. Replace X: with the actual drive letter of your Pen Drive. For more help on this command, type: FORMAT / at the command prompt.
Note: (x=drive leter of pendrive)
You have completed the process of Formating pendrive using
cmd; go back into my computer to check that the formatting
has been completed successfully.